Advent Sunday II

03/12/2022 Por IAA

Living our life in truth with John Baptist

The challenge of this Sunday is: Listen the “voice that cries out in the desert” and let us be transformed by it.

What does this voice say?

  • This is the voice of God that (re)claims our conversion.
  • But also claims the voice of the world through the poor’s and excluded that calls us to love.

Are you listening? There is a difference between hearing and listening. Sometimes we hear, but we don’t listen; we no longer pay attention to the cries to conversion. Ask yourself: “Concretely, what am I looking to transform, convert, in this Advent?

“The voice of the desert” calls for a new beginning, a radical change, that seeks to:

  1. Search to live in the truth by the Holy Spirit
    1. Ask for the courage to look to the bottom of your heart.

“And the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him” Isaiah 11:2

  • Ask for the light of the Holy Spirit to see things clearly.

“He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire” Matthew 3:1

“He will not judge by outward appearances” Isaiah 11:3

  • Transform your life through a fructuous conversion

“Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is close at hand” Matthew 3:2 “Produce good fruit as proof of your repentance” Matthew 3:8

  • Take care of temptation:
  • Despair: “I tried already and it didn’t work”

Remedy: “Just for today”

  • Sloth: “Tomorrow I begin”

Remedy: “Just for today, but today”

  • Spiritual Gluttony: “I will change everything”

Remedy: LSPP

  • LSPP:
  • Little: Start with 1 point of conversion, not 2 or 3. Only 1!
  • Small: Choose something small to start. Don’t start from the worst.
  • Possible: What? When? How? How Much? Where?
  • Progressive: If it is done, move on to the next.
  • Decide: It’s today, it’s now!
  • Ask for the strength to do it: “Apart from me you can do nothing” John 15:5
  • Lean on a brother/sister: “An offended brother is stronger than a fortress” Proverbs 18, 19
  • Build justice and peace and the preferential for the poor.
  • Jesus came to the world as a poor: train yourself into finding Him and recognizing Him
  • Jesus identifies with the poor: “Whatever you did for one of the least of these brethren of mine, you did for me” Matthew 25, 34-40
  • Everyone has something do give/do: Even the poorer.


– Write what God asks you as conversion.

– Ask God for His grace.

– Share your point of conversion with someone. (Family, friend).