Called to serve

01/10/2023 Por IAA

Homily 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time

I. Have the same attitude toward one another that Christ Jesus had (Phil 2:5), says Paul.

What are these sentiments? It’s not a question of sentimentality, but of living the same inner dispositions of will and heart that orientated Jesus’ life.

Paul explains: “He, who was of divine rank, did not make use of his equality with God, but annihilated himself. Taking the form of a servant, he became like men. Appearing as a man, he humbled himself even more, becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.” (Phil 2)

To have the same feelings as Jesus is, as we said last Sunday, to become servants in his image and to give our lives.

In fact, God, who created us to know him, to love him and to live with him, also created us to glorify him and to serve him by serving our brothers and sisters.

II. Why serve?

a. Because Jesus commands us to and so that we can imitate him

“You call me Teacher and Lord, and rightly so, for  that is what I am. So if I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet. I have given you an example. What I have done for you, you should also do. (Jn 13:13-15)

“The Son of Man did not come to be served, but rather to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.” (Mt 20:28)

b. Because it is good for others

To love is to serve. Service is the incarnation of love.

c. Because it does us good.

– Serving our neighbour fills our lives with meaning – “It is more blessed to give than to receive”. Acts 20:35

– If you want to be popular, start serving – Mother Teresa syndrome, she started serving the poorest in Calcutta and a few years later wherever she went everyone would listen to her.

III. How do I serve? Answer the following questions:

a.  What are my talents?

Make a list. If I can’t find at least 10, ask people who know me.

b. What do I like to do?

What are my favourite activities that I never tire of doing? Make a list.

c. What needs do I see and feel called to fulfil?

What do I see that moves me and makes me say that I HAVE to do something (and what you don’t)? Make a list.

d. What are the needs of the services in this church?

– Reception, registry office, funerals, Masses

– Adorers, prayers, intercessors

– Acolytes, Readers, Choirs, Decoration, Sacristy, Caretakers

– Youth leaders, catechists

– Money donors

– Visitors to the sick

– Social centre volunteers

IV.       Concretely – how do we answer “yes” to God’s call in a commitment?

That is, what is the PNSS – Possible Next Small Step?

a. Speak to the person in charge of the service I feel called to do (or ask the registry office or priests who is in charge).

b. Find out information (What does it consist of? When do they meet? How can I come and see them?)

c. Ask to see/experience